Get started

Welcome to the API documentation for CetoEx Version2(v2) ! This document serves as a guide to understanding and using our API. CetoEx(V2) is a RESTful API that allows you to fetch the data for any market pair. This API, fully develops according to Nomics Requirement.

To use this API, you didn't need API key. Please contact us at, If you get any diffculty in integration.

get characters

To get characters you need to make a GET call to the following url :

Please note that the base URL may change depending on the environment you are using (e.g. if you use differnet version of api). Be sure to consult our documentation to confirm the correct base URL to use for your requests.


To get info of cetoex exchange, you need to make a GET call to the following url :


Field Type Description
name string Cetoex Exchange
description string Our Exchange Description
location string Dubai, UAE
logo string Cetoex Logo
website string Cetoex Website
twitter string Cetoex Twitter Handle
version string v2
markets boolean true
trades boolean true
tradesByTimestamp boolean false
tradesSocket boolean false
orders boolean true
ordersSocket boolean true
ordersSnapshot boolean true
candles boolean false


To get asset markets information of each market pair, you need to make a GET call to the following url :


Field Type Description
id string Your exchange's unique ID of the market as a string.
type string spot
base string The base asset of the market
quote string The quote asset of the market


The /ticker endpoint provides 24-hour pricing and volume information on each market pair available on Cetoex exchange. To get asset ticker information of each market pair, you need to make a GET call to the following url :


Field Type Status Description
market string Mandatory A market such as "BTC_USDT".


Field Type Description
market string Identifier of a market with delimiter to separate base/target, eg. BTC_ETH
timestamp Integar timestamp of the current ticker values in RFC3339 in UTC
raw array the raw ticker values as a JSON object
volume decimal volume of the asset in the base currency as a string parseable to a positive number.
volume_quote decimal volume of the asset in the quote currency as a string parseable to a positive number.
bid decimal Current highest bid price
ask decimal Current lowest ask price
high decimal Rolling 24-hours highest transaction price
low decimal Rolling 24-hours lowest transaction price


To get asset orderbook information of each market pair, you need to make a GET call to the following url :


Field Type Status Description
market string Mandatory A ticker such as "BTC_USDT",


Field Type Description
market string A pair such as "BTC_USDT"
timestamp Integer Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the last updated time occurred.
bids decimal An array containing 2 elements. The offer price and quantity for each bid order.
asks decimal An array containing 2 elements. The ask price and quantity for each ask order.


To get asset trades information of selected market pair, you need to make a GET call to the following url :


Field Type Status Description
market string Mandatory A pair such as “BTC_USDT”
since string Mandatory A trade ID from a previous /trades response. If none is provided, the oldest trades should be returned


Field Type Description
id Integer A string ID for the trade that is unique within the scope of the market
price decimal Transaction price in base pair volume.
amount decimal Transaction amount in base pair volume.
amount_quote decimal Transaction amount in quote pair volume.
timestamp timestamp Timestamp of the trade in RFC3339 in UTC
order string The ID of the order that was executed to produce this trade
type string The type of order that resulted in the trade: [market, limit]
side string The direction of the trade [buy, sell]
raw array The raw data of the trade as represented by the exchange. This can be any JSON encodable data.


The Cetoex API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
X000 Some parameters are missing. This error appears when you don't pass every mandatory parameters.
X001 Unknown or unvalid Market. This error appears if you use an wrong market.